
The Indian Civilization, a birthplace for Hinduism.

The Indian Civilization started in the Indus Valley, protected by the North mountainous range and western valley that sometimes lured many invaders into death. Naturally, civilization based on this area began, as people were gathered near the Indus and Ganges River. The Natives referred the two rivers as the Mother of all lives. It provides everything from water to death bed.

So, let’s go back to the civilization. What characterized this place? Before the Aryans, one of the Indo-Europeans, invaded and settled around the area, people had no central government, no social classes, and no major gods.

It is amazing to remember that this land gave birth to hundreds of gods. Unlike the Judaism or Confucianism, the Indians believed in polytheism. Every object included at least one Holy Spirit. The Indians supported this system, formed a legend based upon it, and finally created the Hinduism.

This religion basically needs an individual. Massive number of advocates is unnecessary. Before I go further explaining about religion, let me expound incipient stage of civilization.

Until the Aryans invaded the region, farmers constructed cities in orderly manner, lived under the uniform-size brick houses, and used the common bath. One of the cities was known as Mohenjo-Daro. City life was not unique to India, yet I regarded it remarkable incident considering their living standards to build such social structures.

Archaeological evidence supported my educated guess. According to the study, such artifacts as wooden toy suggested prosperous society, the religious vestiges a link to the Hinduism. Their technological development enabled the Indian merchants to trade with Sargon the Great. Amazing, isn’t it?

Their decline happened abruptly. No written records illustrated whatever the reason they suddenly disappeared. Yet, archeologists and historians guessed that they might have overfarmed the land, met a natural disaster or an attack from invaders. Whatever the reason, they disappeared into mist, were intruded by the Aryans soon.

As the Indo-Europeans swept into the Indus River Valley, the Aryans regarded themselves superior to dark-skinned farmers in India, declaimed their superiority for their own good, and decried the first civilization in India. I wish to extend the story longer for Buddhism, further expanding on the Hindi gods known as Shiva and Vishnu. But it’s quite late today.

Here is the end for this posting. Don’t worry, though. I will explain every detail about the Hinduism and Buddhism. Well, if you are Korean, you should learn Mahayana and Theravada for background knowledge.

Thank you for reading.